
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Signing off

Hello there.

Just wanted to drop by and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a great New Year, I'm not going to be developing much over the holiday, actually going to have some fun, play some games, sketch with a pen (something I was definitely too afraid to do in the past) and perhaps set modelling aside for just a bit.

Have a great time, and I'll see you sometime in the new year.



Saturday, December 3, 2011

w/o butterfly

here's a render of the scene without the butterfly, currently going through a major redesign, sketching out designs for a solid silhouette.  Hope ya like it.



Friday, November 25, 2011

Final Butterfly

Here's the final butterfly, not happy with it at all, but yeah. Onwards and upwards I suppose.



Saturday, November 12, 2011


Hey hey, here's what i've been working on, though getting a bit bored of spamming my blog with all the wips so this will be the last wip until it's all done, hope ya like it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Now with more improved lighting!

Upped the gamma as some report it hard to see, hope it's looking better

Starting to work on the Butterfly textures now



Now with improved lighting!

Morning, slept in and somehow not feeling like death anymore. upped the density and reflections of the grass itself, also made adjustments to sun intensity and gamma correction so you can actually see what's going on in the picture, fancy that. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Late-night Workin

Just doing some late night workin on my project, sick and on flu meds, so I have nothing to do as I can't sleep.

Fiddled around and added some grass to the placeholder.


Working on my finals, don't reallllly have much to show, so im just going to dump some placeholders and wips, along side some wireframe pics :D

Hope ya like it, don't be afraid to follow :D!



Sunday, November 6, 2011


Sorry for the lack of updates, been really busy, recently got a job, so been balancing my finals with work and trying to get some sleep now and then. Here's a sample of just a  simple title introduction for my reel.

Name falls from sky, surname follows, a falls over, something simple and fun, not in the mood for something fancy.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nope, can't think of a title

Hey, been a while since I update.

Been working on my reel, wrote my Autodesk certification exams yesterday. passed all three

Autodesk Associate
Autodesk Professional Models to Motion
Autodesk Professional Surface and Look Development

Quite happy with that, though I maintain that certificates don't mean anything unless the work is good. So hopefully I can get a job in the industry when I leave Learn3D at the end of November.

Here are some snippets and shots of my animation, probably doesn't make much sense but i'm quite happy with it indeed.



Friday, September 23, 2011

Distant Echoes

Got a new project to show.

Started the project last Sunday, if memory serves. Was quite a learning curve but it came out alright I feel. Hoping to animate it for my Showreel, some camera and effects.

Been quite a week really, been down and out for the past while hence the lack of updates but coming back harder and faster than ever.

Just want  to say thanks to all those that helped me hammer out flaws at Learn3D and that made it possible for me to produce this in a short time period.

Hope you enjoy the wips and most of all the final product


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Limey update

Still not happy about the reflectiveness on the eye. need to fix that when I get back to the project.

Yep, still alive.

Hello there.

Well, finished up limey. He's undergone a few changes in modelling and such, mostly I removed the map from the eye and actually modeled it out. Most of the work is done, 90% done or so, going to pick it up when it's time to put it all together.

Anyway, can't show you a new project on limey as i'm rendering out a previs for reference, but here's a screencap of all my save files :D

Should update with a new limey later,

See ya

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Now with more Limey!

Been experimenting with Limey and Vray fast SSS 2, Got him more or less to where I want him to be.

The other renders seemed too much like ocean-water than A jelly-creature.

Anyway, hope you like it, been animating him solidly for the past 6 hours, the project is getting there slowly but surely.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hey there

Been busy with rigging and materials and stuff. And here's limey, still working on him but hope you like him at the moment.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm still alive!

What do you know, i'm still kicking, been stressed with college and some major misunderstandings with people.

But here's the continuation of the Wild 9 project, about set to animate him now, was battling with the unwrapping in Max, it's just too unfriendly for my liking so I decided to pick up Headus UV Layout.

Boy oh boy, what a treat! It's amazingly simple and very very friendly despite the retro-style interface.

Anyway, here's the wild 9 model unwrapped etc.  Sorry for the obtuse res, working on two monitors

Hope you like it



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Southern Sun Massage Parlor

Well, first of all let me say that i'm not happy with it, I know that I can do much, much better than this. But unfortunately time was a limitation and they didn't actually give me anything I needed to do the project, nor did they know what they wanted. In the end it's nothing special, but I gave the client what they wanted and they said they loved it,

So yeah. Recap- I don't like it, I gave them what they asked for, end of story, deadline was about 2 and a half days.

I like this whole freelance thing, and I hope to continue doing so, though I do hope for clients in the future that tell me what they want, and a better time limit so I can actually produce something better.

Oh yes, this design is going to be on the 32nd floor of the Southern Sun Hotel in Durban

Rendering was done in Mental Ray, just cause I can.

Hope you like it



P.S. And before you max classmates of mine butcher me with sticks, I just did what they told me D:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Good News

Got the freelance job, designing a massage parlor on the 32nd floor of a hotel on the Durban beachfront, not  much to work with reference wise but making it do. Feeling a bit uninspired though, been learning a lot these past few months and certainly better than what I was, but I feel that I haven't been producing anything really.

Ah well, will post pics of the designed parlor when I'm done.



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Drumkit re revisited (The last time I promise)

Something was bugging me in the image, not sure what, this is what I decided on in the end, Probably the last time i'll use this project, actually submitting it to Celldweller at fixtonline hoping to score a spot in the new Wish upon a Blackstar album. Hope you like it, Won't touch this project again except for final year animation.



P.S On another note, pretty happy, got my first freelance job tomorrow, designing a Massage Parlor room, hoping to get some nice cash from it.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Drumkit revisited

Fixed the reflections and the weird noise around, hope you like it, feel free to use it at a wallpaper ;P just tell me you love me or something D:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Wild 9

Prepping for showreel at end of year, going to have acharacter presenting the title, like, 'Tada!!!!'

Decided on a character from a game that is an all time favorite of mine, on the PS1, called Wild 9.

Probably the greatest game i've ever played and will ever play, all rights go to the company of course but it's a whole lot of fun to make this character. My way of relaxing while working I guess

Hope ya like it



Thursday, July 14, 2011


As much as i try to think what was going through my head yesterday.. I can't.

Brendon, maybe you were right after all, was just a bad day.

Heres a BETTER low poly female, the reason she has no arms or legs is that this is the base mesh and i'm planning to throw this over to mudbox and have some fun

So here's my apology for yesterday and hope you enjoy this mesh

Room revisited

Leaving the project where it is now, too many render problems for no reason

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Side note

On a side note, been re-rendering the japanese room i did awhile back, wasn't happy witht he quality of the renders andimproved on it a whole lot, may how you again soon




After hours of restarting, redoing and really almost giving up, managed to get something that i'm relatively proud of.

First attempt at trying to model a human. so the first 7 or so tries were my learning curve I suppose, The project is far from done but at least i've got something i can latch on to now, I doubt i'll be restarting it any time soon.

It's not much, and certainly far from impressive, but i would like to think for a first attempt that it's rather decent, Hope you enjoy.



Monday, July 11, 2011

Mudbox lesson 1

Just finished our college lesson on mudbox, first time using the program. First impressions is that it's CRAZY powerful, and the sheer ammount of polygons it can manage is mind boggling, Well, we learnt all the basics and did a tree, hope ye like it, here's some screen grabs.



Sorry about the lack of updates in the past month or so. Been quite busy prepping for the end of year, should have a few things coming soon. In other news starting to learn Mudbox.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Japanese Style Room

Yes, yes, I know i'm a week late, for all those 3 people that watch this blog. (Me, myself and I)

Rendering problems up the arse, but managed to get through and learn a lot.

Hope ye like it.

Well, Onwards and upwards, Time to start a harder project.



P.S. Going to experiment on depth of field with the sword shot so may update again sometime on monday.